Since the idea of finishing this list with ANOTHER 50 THINGS I’D LIKE TO DO IN KANSAS is a bit more daunting today, I will make it a bit less so by: **adding things I DON’T WANT to do in Kansas as well as things I DON’T WANT to do but nevertheless know I will be doing and things I KNOW I’ll be doing and am looking forward to. In that way, I think I should be able to finish this list pretty darn easily.
51. I’m pretty sure I forgot to write in the prior list that I want to get a haircut. Gringos tend to cut my un-voluminous hair better than Latinas with their incredible manes.
52. Yet, what I don’t want is a color job. I like my natural color, but know my mother is going to try to persuade me to go blonder.
53. I also don’t want to hear her go on and on about how great my sister’s new highlights look. Hint, hint. You should get some too!
54. I do look forward to the traditional super long chat with my folks the first night upon arrival.
55. I’m also keen on drinking some Molsen, my parents’ favorite beer and the one they bought stock in, hoping to drink their way into riches!
56. I can’t wait to spend my Christmas gift certificates that I didn’t have time to use then.
57. I want to buy some baby stuff for Oliver, like some cool baby toys. Blocks, for sure. Who knows what all I’ll find.
58. Oh, and read Oliver nursery rhymes. I know my mom has a ton of great children’s books.
59. I wouldn’t mind learning a bit how to sew. At least how to hem pants. That would come in handy since Jaime and I are both vertically challenged.
60. I also want to take a writing workshop, if I can find one. Imagine, this blog might be even more enticing to read!
61. Back to shopping, I’m secretly hoping my mother will treat me to something cool from Aspen Traders. A very hip, eclectic store for Wichita.
62. I definitely hope to relax.
63. I hope Oliver learns to sleep through the night!
64. I want to take lots of pictures of Oliver and put them on the net for Jaime to see.
65. I want to call Jaime a lot and let Oliver babble over the phone with him. I know Oliver is going to miss his papa.
66. I want to chat with my Seattle friend and fellow mom Gwen who has her hands full with a toddler.
67. I want to see some cool movies.
68. I want to hang out in the cooler hours of the evening on my parents’ deck.
69. I want to see what the hell it is I have stored in my old bedroom closet.
70. I want to go out with family friend and massage therapist Jan. I wouldn’t mind getting a massage either!
71. I want to read lots of good books from my parents’ library.
72. And I want to read their New Yorkers.
73. I definitely want to read a lot more than baby books!
74. I hope to pick up some books for Jaime too.
75. I do want one book on kids—a child development book. Anybody out there know of a good one?
76. Oh yes, and maybe a book on discipline. I want to be ready when Oliver enters toddlerhood.
77. I hope to do some fun girlie stuff with my mom, like go out for coffee, go shopping, talk gossip, etc.
78. I hope to have lots of good history talks with my dad but avoid politics altogether.
79. I hope to read A People’s History by Howard Zinn, speaking of history and politics.
80. I’d like to visit KIPCOR (Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution) in Newton, and see how I may be able to get involved in peace work when Jaime and I come to Kansas in the near future. Yes, that’s in the plans.
81. I don’t want to listen to too much advice from the parental unit, but I know that will be unavoidable.
82. I almost forgot about my sister Liz’s visit. I am most definitely looking forward to seeing her.
83. I am also looking forward to Liz looking after Oliver. I learned at Christmas that she’s excellent with babies!
84. I hope (but seriously doubt) that I can find a cheap ticket to New York to visit my other sister since she won't be able to come. Sh'es in the middle of a big coast to coast move.
85. I'm looking forward to visiting my grandmother's hometown of Hillsboro.
86. I'd love to play some tennis with my dad.
87. And I want to swim some laps in the pool.
88. I’d like to get in shape, you know, after having a baby and all.
89. I hope to find the energy to do all those crunches that I should be doing now to get back my pre-pregnancy tummy.
90. I hope to have a lot of FREE TIME. Man, I like the sound of that. (It doesn’t sound realistic with a baby on my hands however.)
91. I hope to NOT do another of these long tagging lists.
92. I do hope to try some other sorts of writing exercises.
93. I hope to find Lady Grey Tea somewhere. It’s this incredible tea that I had with some French friends here in Cabo. It’s like Earl Grey but much superior.
94. I do want to drink lots of yummy tea. And fortunately my mom has a cabinet full since she and my dad are coffee drinkers.
95. I’m not keen on waking up for church, but I’m sure my mom will want to show off Oliver. He is cute, so I understand why.
96. I’m not looking forward to the country club either, but at least they have an excellent dessert table selection.
97. I do hope to make a stop in Lawrence to visit Steph and Eric’s new place.
98. And a stop in Topeka to visit Sarah.
99. And I sure hope to see Suze and meet little Daniel while they’re in Kansas.
100. And I am very much hoping Liz and JE can make it all the way up here too.
What a relief. I finished!!