Monday, June 26, 2006

A lot to think about...

Thank you everyone who commented on my post about modern motherhood. I will definitely write another entry on this subject, now that you've all given me so much more to think about. For those of you interested in more modern motherhood stuff....check out suze's post on the dilemmas of mothering. I found her links really interesting too.

Presently, I'm still crazily surfing the net reading stuff on motherhood. It's amazing all the stuff out there from every angle you can imagine. I won't say too much now as it's getting late, but my reaction at the moment is similar to Lagartaverde's comment...this whole "Mommy Wars" thing is way out of hand! Why can't mothers (and women in general) support each other instead of always judging each other and hating each other? My other thought is that I still have much more thinking to do on how I want to mother my son/future kiddos and what I want to do with my life in general.

But more specifically, thanks Steph for the thought-provoking essay on attachment parenting. I'll definitely have more to post on that later. And Suze, thanks for the breast pump recommendation. I think I'll be getting one in Kansas. The cheap Mexican one I presently own is super time consuming and pisses me off because it seems as if half of the precious milk ends up dripping out the bottom. And Congratulations Liz!! That's awesome about the new job. I'm sure that everything will work out once a baby rolls into the picture. I mean you are blessed to have a guy that bakes kick-ass zwiebach and made your wedding dress with no prior sewing knowledge. I'm sure he'll pick up quick on the baby stuff. And Faby, thanks for so many words of encouragement. Oliver and I are really looking forward to meeting Camila.


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