Thursday, June 08, 2006

big project on the horizon

It's been awhile now that I've been itching for some sort of creative project or money-earning one. I know that other SAHMs out there can relate. Suze at Madtown Mama has written quite a bit about that on her blog. So far this blog has been my best creative outlet. And a fun way to interact with all of you who read it! Thanks for all the great comments!

However, I'm happy to write that I've come up with a really spiffy project that will certainly get my creative juices flowing. And it encompasses quite a number of my interests--family, food, history, culture, and writing. The project I have in mind is one that I've thought about starting for some time. It's about my Grandma who passed away back in 1997. She's the zwieback master that I wrote about in an earlier post. While I was at Bethel College I took the opportunity to go out and interview her about her life on two occasions, but I never did anything with the tape. Not so far. Except transcribe part of it. I also have her recipe book, of course, how many of the recipes she actually followed is something I may never know. I also interviewed three of her four surviving siblings in Inman two years back and still have that tape to transcribe.

My idea, thus far, is to compile a book of my family member's favorite memories of her to be called "Memories of Margaret." It would also include some of her famous recipes and anecdotes about them, photos, letters, and a brief history of her life. I just opened an account on yahoo groups so that my family can share their memories, photos, recipes, etc. there.

So that's the deal. What do you all think? I'm very excited about the whole thing, and have had really positive feedback from my mom and sister Susanne. Pretty soon I will be cluing in the whole family.


At 6/09/2006 4:03 PM, Blogger Suze said...

I think that is a VERY cool idea. Good luck, and definitely keep us all posted (heh heh) on how it goes!

At 6/25/2006 8:58 AM, Blogger Tooz said...

I agree with Suze. A book is a great idea. I just recently retired after almost 25 years of teaching, and I am looking for something to do too. The book is a great idea. It's something that can be done in little steps, which is good when there's a baby in the house! Everyone is taking little steps at the same time.

At 6/25/2006 10:11 PM, Blogger mamacita said...

Thanks for the encouragement. At the moment, I'm working on getting all the family members signed up to a yahoo group so we can all share memories and photos there. I figure that once I'm in Kansas the project will really take off. Especially after testing my friend J.E.'s zwiebach recipe.


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