Friday, June 02, 2006

Anyone ever made zwieback?

I'm have a feeling that most of the readers of this blog have probably tried zwieback, a Russian Mennonite bread roll consisting of two lovely round balls of dough one on top of the other. Zwieback always used to be a central part of all family reunions on my mom's side of the family until my Grandma passed away almost ten years ago. Now the only time we ever eat it is when my Uncle Mike picks some up from a baker in Yoder.

The reason I'm wondering is because I intended to learn to master the art of zwieback baking when my Grandma was still alive and thus carry on the tradition. That however, didn't happen. Yet almost ten years later, as my domestic side is awakening I once again feel the urge to truly master the art of making zwieback. And believe me, I know it's not an easy task! My Grandma gave me one lesson and the recipe, which she said she didn't actually follow (go figure). So now all I have to go on is an unused recipe and a vague recollection of a very precise squeezing motion needed to produce those perfectly round balls of dough--a motion I didn't get close to mastering after that one lesson.

If anyone out there can give me any zwieback advice, send me a recipe that actually has been followed, or better yet train me in this complicated art, I would be ever so happy!


At 6/02/2006 12:14 PM, Blogger Suze said...

i've never made it myself, but i helped my mom at christmas a couple years ago. the little balls were so little it looked like we were eating bread nipples.
good luck!

At 6/02/2006 3:21 PM, Blogger mamacita said...

So I take it that your mom isn't an expert zwieback baker either. Hmm. This is going to be a challenge!

At 6/03/2006 9:52 AM, Blogger Steph said...

My father-in-law makes a mean version. I'll try to get his recipe. His always looks perfect too, so he must have the shaping technique down.

I've never made them myself. But I'm a Schweitzer. We Swiss just make bread and be done with it!

At 6/03/2006 9:09 PM, Blogger mamacita said...

Thanks Steph! And if you can ask him about his shaping technique--I'd really hate the buns to come out looking like nipples.


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