Thursday, June 15, 2006

Homeopathic docs rule!

Two days ago while changing Oliver's diaper, I saw some tiny little white things near his anus. I realize that this is a rather foul thing to write about, but it's part of partenhood. As soon as I saw the little white critters, I knew that my poor baby had parasites. I didn't freak out however, because I've already been host to many critters myself, and besides, my trusty Baby Book says that pinworms are normal and nothing serious.

My problem however was finding a good doctor to help me do something about the critters. You see, since our budget has been tight, we haven't really been going to a local pediatrician for wellness checkups like most parents. To be honest, I didn't really want to go to a "normal doc" anyway because I feel that conventional medicine is too harsh for little bodies. For the most part, we just go to the free clinic to get his shots and get him weighed each month. Which has worked really well, since Oliver has been a very healthy little guy.

Now that Oliver no longer has a clean bill of health, I'm so glad that we found a homeopathic doct0r. And all we did was look up homeopathic doctors in the phone book and went to the only one in town. He was a really nice guy. I just love the way homeopathic docs spend time to really get to know everything about their patients. They don't just ask about your symptoms and prescribe you a drug. For Oliver, Dr.Ornelas Perea asked about his whole life from my pregnancy until now, including not only physical symptoms but also emotional feelings. The approach is much more personal and complete. Everytime I've been to a homeopathic doc, which has only been in Mexico, I've always left with a good vibe.

Now, I'm just hoping that my little one will be parasite-free soon.


At 6/16/2006 6:12 AM, Blogger Suze said...

so what was the treatment, if you don't mind me asking?

At 6/16/2006 8:30 PM, Blogger mamacita said...

I'm not sure how much you know about homepathy, but basically it's a theraputic method that uses microdoses of natural substances derived from plants, animals and minerals to stimulate the body's natural defenses to heal itself.

Each remedy is unique to the individual's situation...for Oliver, our doctor prescribed sulphur (mineral derived) and Kentium (plant derived). We have to give him drops of each every hour the 1st day and every 4 hours the next day.

I seriously don't know a whole lot about it, but I like the homeopathic philosophy that the body is a self-healing entity. Natropathy has similar principles. Natropaths for the most part also believe the body has considerable power to heal itself. They work to enhace the healing process by teaching the patient approaches to stimulate his/her own interal healing force.

Maybe later I will post about my own parasite drama. That was before Oliver was born. I had terrible luck with "normal" kill the parasite drugs which also kill all the good stuff living in your intestines. Then finally I went to a natropath--the remedy was intensive & took a long time but it really worked.

At 6/17/2006 7:10 PM, Blogger mamacita said...

I forgot to mention that the medicine is to be taken for 2 weeks.

At 6/22/2006 5:02 PM, Blogger mamacita said...

He's sleeping better and is as active as ever, so it looks as if the treatment is working!


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