Sunday, February 18, 2007

First week back

I´ll have to admit that my first week back at work didn´t go as smoothly as I would have wished, but next week is sure to be better. I only have one class with one student, so it´s definitely not stressful. That´s a good thing. The only stressful part is getting there. My school sends teachers to companies all over the city, and my particular class meets three times a week at Hewlett Packard's central office. Unfortunately, there's major construction on Lopez Mateos, the main avenue near the building. I didn't calculate correctly dropping off Oliver at daycare and getting to the office and arrived late my first day, oops! I got there with plenty of time on my second day, but on my third day I didn't have the car and had to take three buses--the last one which didn't take me to right place, and got there late again. Not exactly a great start, but there's always next week. Next week, Jaime is going to ride with me on the bus to make sure I get on all the right buses. No more arriving late!

As for Oliver, he went to daycare the first two days and then on the third day went to the park with his grandad. They told me that he cried at daycare for a good while each day, but I know that's only normal. At least he's only there for about two hours, and by the time I picked him up he was always having a good time. I don't like the idea of leaving him at daycare for long periods of time, so I'm happy that once I start teaching part or full time in the states he'll be able to stay with my mom.


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