peach therapy
Peach Therapy Make sure you have a very ripe peach on hand. Preferably the soft supermarkert variety that actually has no flavor and turns to mush as you eat it. Or if you have no guilt about wasting perfectly good food, go for a sweet, juicy full-flavor, organic peach. Once anxiety comes over you, let your frustrastions out on your peach. Don´t keep any of it in! Pounce on that peach and literally feel your frustrations melt away as your fingers delve further and further inside. I hope it works for you all! It certainly did for Oliver on Saturday night as he wrestled with major teething pains. The poor little guy just wouldn´t stop fussing until he got his fingers in that peach (which happened to be the one his abuela was about to eat! Good thing she was happy too that it calmed him down). Oliver has been going through some major teething pain since Saturday. I had no idea that teething could be such a fiasco. Saturday he started getting whiney and then all day Sunday and Monday he had a fever and wouldn´t do anything but lay in my arms, poor thing. And poor me, it´s a lot of work carrying around an 11 month old baby all day! When his fever reached 39.9 celius (almost 104 F), I started to think something more than his teeth was involved, but so far it appears he's just teething. My mother-in-law's homeopathic doc prescribed him Belladona; I don't really know what it is, but it worked to get his fever under control and get him to be more back to his normal self, although he's still more whiney that normal. I think the cause is still teething because I can see the little teeth almost breaking through the flesh....ouch! However, today I'm going to take him to a "real doc," a pediatrician, just to have him totally checked over. By the way, good news, Jaime arrived last night from Cabo. He succesfully sold our car and sent our belongings which should be arriving soon. Today we will move into his uncle's apartment--our new home for now. |
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